In a maze of Artificial Intelligence solutions, many follow the same worn out paths to the same inefficient ends. Others try to see above the maze, making grand predictions, with few practical results to show for their conjecture.
A flash of insight and inspiration can come from the unlikeliest of places: someone not even really in the maze.
So begins the origin story of
Our journey began humbly in the late 80’s with the dream of creating narrative natural language generation (NLG) systems. We recognized the potential impact of such systems even then, but the the requisite intellectual fields and hardware technologies were not yet fully developed.
So we shelved our dreams for another day.
Then, inspired by successes in the field of Machine Learning as well as HBO’s dramatic Westworld, dreams of an advanced NLG system came to life again and would be ignored no longer.
At first we turned to the task of getting up to speed with statistical learning, neural networks, and other artificial intelligence technologies. But try as we might, standard techniques/algorithms/neural networks didn’t seem to meet the needs we knew needed to be met.
A flash of inspiration came from an unlikely place: a YouTube video which allowed us to see the whole problem domain differently. It’s too early to know if this new approach will bear fruit, but it is no exaggeration to say it spawned this very company.
We prefer to let our results speak louder than words though, so enough talk. It’s time to get to work!
Photo by Maksym Kaharlytskyi